Rules & Regulations
Rules and Regulations Heading link
Rules and Regulations Heading link
I. The University of Illinois is not responsible for loss of, loss from, or damage to vehicles parked in UIC parking facilities, on the UIC campus, or on UIC property.
The University of Illinois is not responsible for loss of, loss from, or damage to vehicles parked in UIC parking facilities, on the UIC campus, or on UIC property.
II. Parking is allowed on campus only where designated.
Parking is not permitted in emergency access lanes, driveways, loading docks, pedestrian walks, plazas, etc. Violators’ vehicles will be ticketed and may be booted or towed and impounded at the owner’s expense.
III. All UIC parking lots are self-park facilities.
The vehicle owner and/or operator is responsible for locating a legal parking space at all times. Within a parking facility the vehicle must occupy only one stall and be parked facing a wheelstop that designates a parking stall and/or within stall marks painted on the lot surface. Backing into stalls is prohibited.
IV. There is no “free” parking.
Everyone, including students, faculty, staff, visitors, and all contractors and their employees must pay to park. All parking fees and fines are determined in accordance with university regulations, policies, and procedures.
V. Controlled-access parking assignments are made on a space available basis by filing a parking application with Campus Parking Services.
As a condition of assignment, all parking assignment holders agree, by signing a statement on the parking application, to abide by the UIC Parking Rules and Regulations. The parking assignment holder is responsible for all violation fines incurred, any towing and storage charges incurred, and any costs to repair damage done to university property by a vehicle displaying the registrant’s decal/hangtag or a license plate number listed on his/her application.
V. Controlled-access parking assignments are made on a space available basis by filing a parking application with Campus Parking Services.
A. Falsification of any information on application forms will be considered grounds for revocation of parking privileges and/or imposition of fines.
B. CPS allocates parking privileges in its controlled-access lots to more persons than there are spaces (reserved spaces excepted). The oversell is based on the university’s experience with the use of each lot. The university attempts to guarantee a parking space in the assigned lot. Nevertheless, relocation may occasionally be required. If there is no legal parking space, go to a nearby attended parking facility (identified as “visitor” on the map) for advice. Inability to locate a legal parking space in a desired area is not considered a valid reason for failure to comply with these regulations.
C. All vehicles using a UIC controlled-access parking facility must be registered with CPS and display a valid decal/hangtag or permit issued by CPS.
D. Controlled-access assignments and decals/hangtags may not be transferred to a second party and are obtainable only from CPS. Any transfer, sale, or reassignment to a second party is prohibited and may result in the revocation of parking privileges for the parties involved.
E. The parking assignment holder is authorized to have only one registered vehicle in the assigned lot at any time. Citations will be issued to all vehicles in the lot registered on the same assignment.
F. Display of decal/hangtag. If any one of these conditions is not met, the decal/hangtag is not valid. Decals/hangtags are the property of CPS and must be surrendered upon request.
- A decal/hangtag is the permit to park in the assigned lot and must be properly displayed when the vehicle is parked in the lot. Proper display is on the driver’s rearview mirror. Motorcycles, mopeds, and motorbikes will have stickers displayed as advised by CPS.
- Decals/hangtags should be removed from vehicles and returned to CPS when a parking assignment is terminated. The registrant of record will be accountable for violations incurred by a vehicle with a current- or prior-year decal/hangtag displayed.
- A decal/hangtag is valid if:
- the decal/hangtag is for the current semester;
- the decal/hangtag is for the lot in which the vehicle is parked;
- the assignment is paid up to date; and
- the decal/hangtag is displayed in the proper manner on a vehicle that is registered in CPS.
G. Duplicate decals/hangtags and temporary decals/hangtags
- Parking assignment holders who are temporarily using a vehicle other than one that is registered with CPS must obtain a temporary parking decal/hangtag from CPS. Temporary parking decals/hangtags are issued free of charge. Maximum use is seven days per semester. If a vehicle is parked without a valid decal/hangtag for only one day during any academic term, call CPS immediately at (312) 355-0555 or (312) 413-5800 and register the license plate number for that day.
- The display of the registration decal/hangtag is for the purpose of identification and does not constitute permission to park the vehicle in restricted areas.
H. Lost or stolen University ID, key card, and/or decal/hangtag
- A lost or stolen University ID card must be reported to the ID card office and CPS. Upon presentation of identification acceptable to the university and payment of the replacement fee, the ID card office can replace a lost or stolen university ID card. Please contact CPS as soon as you receive your ID card replacement.
- A lost or stolen key card and/or decal/hangtag must be reported to CPS by filing a written Lost/Stolen Key Card/Decal/Hangtag report provided by CPS. Upon presentation of acceptable identification and payment of the replacement fee, CPS may replace a lost or stolen key card and/or decal/hangtag.
- A parking assignment holder who does not wish to replace a lost or stolen key card or ID card must withdraw from the parking program. To do so, the assignment holder must meet substitute requirements for the return of the missing item and complete a Lost/Stolen Key Card/Decal/Hangtag report.
- If a missing key card or university ID is not reported immediately as lost or stolen and payment for subsequent periods is not made, a charge equal to the amount due will be placed on the assignment holder’s account.
- Persons who have forgotten, misplaced, or lost a university ID, key card, and/or decal/hangtag, or have had it stolen, are responsible for finding alternate parking until a replacement for the missing item has been obtained.
I. Payment of parking fees and cancellation of parking assignments
All fees, including citations, must be paid by the assignment holder when parking assignment is canceled. If not, the amount due will be placed on the user’s account and may be subject to University collections efforts.
1. Payments:
Students. A controlled-access assignment is continuous from the effective date or date of purchase to the last day of the spring semester. Summer session parking assignments are issued separately. After the initial purchase, payment of the parking fee for the subsequent semester will be billed to the student’s account. Parking fees may not be deferred.
Faculty/Staff. A controlled-access assignment is continuous from the effective date or date of purchase until the assignment is canceled. Faculty and staff members may elect payroll deductions to pay for subsequent periods. Assignments are automatically extended on an annual basis for parkers on payroll deductions. If payroll deductions cease for any reason, the faculty/staff assignment holder is responsible for submitting payment of the amount due. Pursuant to IRS regulations, no portion of payments made on a pre-tax basis may be refunded. If payroll deduction is not elected, payment for the assignment through each annual expiration date must accompany renewal notifications. The person holding the assignment is responsible for paying the parking fees for subsequent semesters/periods or for canceling the parking assignment by the last day of the paid-up semester/period.
2. Cancellation of Parking Assignments
To cancel a parking assignment, return the decal/hangtag(s) and key card (if applicable) to the parking office no later than the last day of the paid-up semester or period. Please be reminded that parking deductions will be not be suspended for any period of time less than one month. This includes medical leaves, sabbaticals, vacations, etc.
3. Failure to Pay for and/or Cancel a Parking Assignment
Students. If the parking fee for subsequent terms is not paid and the parking assignment is not canceled, a charge equal to the amount due through the expiration date of the parking assignment will be placed on the student’s account. An encumbrance will be placed on the transcripts and future registrations of a student with a delinquent account. The account may be turned over to the proper agencies for collection.
Faculty/Staff. If a scheduled parking deduction has not been made through the payroll system, the amount of the scheduled deduction should be remitted immediately to the parking office. If this amount is not submitted and the parking assignment is not canceled, a charge equal to the amount due through the annual expiration date will be placed on the assignment holder’s account. A delinquent account will be turned over to the proper agencies for collection.
4. Refund of Parking Fees
- Refunds for parking assignments returned before expiration are prorated (by the week) based on the date the decal/hangtag(s) and key card, if applicable, are received in the parking office. No refund is allowed, however, after the twelfth week (sixth week during summer session) of the academic term. A prorated refund schedule is available from CPS.
- Refunds will be made by University check mailed to the address provided by the assignment holder on his/her application.
- The amount of the refund will be reduced by any other obligations due UIC by the assignment holder.
- No refund on assignments due to failure to cancel.
- Temporary assignments are not refundable.
- Reciprocal Parking fees are not refundable.
- Pursuant to IRS regulations, parking payments made by payroll deductions can not be refunded.
V. Controlled-access parking assignments are made on a space available basis by filing a parking application with Campus Parking Services.
J. Transfer of lot assignments
- A parking assignment holder may apply for transfer of lot assignments. CPS will process such an application on a first come, first-served basis as space in the desired lot allows.
- CPS shall establish and charge a fee for transfer of lot assignment. Current fee schedules are available from CPS.
K. Night relocation
Requests to relocate your vehicle to another lot after 3:00 p.m. and on weekends in order to conduct university business or attend classes will be approved on a semester basis. Documentation of need must be submitted to CPS prior to approval.
L. Car pools
- All vehicles used in a car pool must be registered with CPS and display a valid permit.
- The person submitting the parking application will be considered the principal registrant of the car pool and will be responsible for registering all vehicles and drivers and for payment of all fees and/or fines.
VI. Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Motorbikes
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and motorbikes may park only in areas designated as motorcycle parking areas. Parking such vehicles in any other area is prohibited.
- All such vehicles must be registered with CPS and display a valid decal/hangtag.
- Decals/hangtags must be displayed in accordance with Section V-F.
- Lost or stolen decals/hangtags must be reported and replaced in accordance with Section V-H.
- UIC will charge a fee for the registration of motorcycles, mopeds, motorbikes, etc. The entire fee for the registration period must be collected at the time of registration. The registration period is seasonally based and is not necessarily the same as the UIC semester schedule.
- Persons possessing a valid controlled-access assignment must obtain a separate decal/hangtag for any motorcycle, moped, or motorbike that they wish to park.
- These vehicles shall not be operated on campus, other than at the entrance, exit, and driving lanes of campus parking lots that contain designated motorcycle parking areas.
VII. Abandoned Vehicles
- Any vehicles remaining in the lot for more than 72 hours will be considered stored/abandoned and subject to towing and impounding at the registrant’s and/or owner’s expense. UIC parking lots are not storage facilities.
- All inoperative vehicles must be reported to CPS and the university police immediately. Notes or signs placed on such vehicles shall not be deemed sufficient to exempt the vehicle from these regulations, state laws, or municipal ordinances.
VIII. Towing, Impounding, and Booting
A. All motor vehicles operated or parked on the UIC campus are subject to towing and impounding or booting without notice under any of the following conditions:
- The vehicle is parked in violation of parking regulations, posted signs, contract clauses, state laws, or municipal ordinances;
- The vehicle has received multiple parking violation complaints;
- The vehicle is creating a safety hazard or interfering with University operations; or
- The vehicle is apparently abandoned.
Determination of the preceding conditions shall be made by an agent of CPS and/or the university police.
B. Charges for towing, storage, and booting
- Parking assignment holders, see Section V.
- If the towed vehicle is not registered with CPS, the owner or recognized operator, at the university’s discretion, will be held liable for towing and storage costs.
- All applicable fines will be paid before boot removal.
IX. Parking at Receiving Docks
Receiving docks are designated areas of campus buildings intended for the receipt of merchandise, equipment, or supplies used to support daily university operations. Dock permits are authorizations to park vehicles in designated spaces by receiving docks for up to one hour. Subject to approval by the Director of Parking and payment of applicable fees, these permits are issued by CPS. The following vehicles may request dock permits from CPS.
IX. Parking at Receiving Docks
- Campus service and nonuniversity vehicles making deliveries to the receiving docks will be allowed temporary dock access to complete deliveries.
- Vehicles used to transport hazardous materials or to respond to emergencies—fires, power outages, floods, elevator malfunctions—may park in designated areas by the docks.
- Campus service vehicles outfitted with nonportable equipment, such as groundskeeping vehicles, may park as close to the job site as possible.
For further information, please contact CPS at (312) 413-5800.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
These regulations are internal administrative regulations of UIC. They do not replace state laws or municipal ordinances. In addition to any fines, forfeitures, or penalties described here, any violation of state or municipal laws may result in the arrest of the violator and/or notice to appear before the appropriate court and imposition of penalties by said court.
Dollar amounts listed here constitute the monetary fines to be assessed and collected for violations. These monetary fines do not preclude any other appropriate disciplinary action imposed by other University policies or rules.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
A. Damage to university property (60)
- The penalty for willful or accidental damage to UIC property shall not be less than $60 and not more than the cost of damage or loss of use per violation. The cost of damage or loss of use will be determined by CPS.
- Violation of this section will result in a minimum fine of $100.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
B. Counterfeit controlled-access card and/or decals/hangtags (61)
- No person shall counterfeit a UIC parking controlled-access card, decal/hangtag, or permit or have a counterfeit UIC parking controlled-access card, decal/hangtag, or permit in his/her possession or displayed on his/her vehicle(s).
- No person shall use or attempt to use a counterfeit UIC parking controlled-access card, decal/hangtag, or permit to gain admittance to, exit from, or park a vehicle in any UIC parking facility.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $100 and disciplinary action.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
C. Illegal use and/or possession of controlled-access card and/or decal/hangtag (62)
- No person shall have in his/her possession any UIC parking controlled-access card or decal/hangtag for which he/she is not the registrant of record, or for which he/she does not have the express permission of CPS to possess.
- No person shall use or attempt to use a UIC parking controlled-access card or decal/hangtag to enter, exit from, or park a vehicle in any UIC parking facility if he/she is not the registrant of record or the registrant of record has not obtained the express permission of CPS for such action.
- Controlled-access cards and decals/hangtags may not be transferred. No person shall allow another party to use his/her controlled-access card or decal/hangtag to enter or exit from a parking facility unless express permission has been obtained from CPS.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $100 and disciplinary action, including termination of parking assignment.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
D. Tailgating into or out of parking lot (63)
- No person shall drive a vehicle so close to a preceding vehicle as to gain admittance to or exit from a parking facility without making use of the controlled-access gate mechanism or paying the proper fee and/or obtaining permission from the facility attendant to enter or exit.
- No person shall enter, exit, or attempt to enter or exit from any parking facility by surreptitious means or by the use of materials meant to nullify the barriers surrounding a parking facility or the materials from which the facility is constructed.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $100.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
E. Parking on campus (64)
- Parking on campus shall be defined as follows: Any motor vehicle that is not parked in a UIC parking facility but is parked on UIC property shall be considered to be parked on campus.
- No person shall park any motor vehicle on the UIC campus without first obtaining written CPS permission.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
F. Failure to display a valid permit (65)
- For proper use and display of decal/hangtag permits, see sections V-F and V-G.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
G. Parking or standing in a loading dock (66)
- Any area designated by signs as a “loading zone” is for use by authorized vehicles and/or those displaying a valid restricted parking permit issued by CPS. All other vehicles are prohibited from parking or standing in areas so designated.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
H. Parking in an aisle (67)
- No person shall park a vehicle so that any part of the vehicle is situated in any access aisle, pedestrian aisle, or driving lane.
- No person shall park a vehicle so that part or all of the vehicle is blocking the free flow of traffic in the parking lot.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
I. Multiple vehicles in the lot (68)
- No person or persons shall park two or more vehicles registered on a single parking application in the parking lots at the same time.
- No person or persons shall park two or more vehicles displaying two or more registered license numbers on the same application in a lot at the same time.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $100 per vehicle.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
J. Obstructing an entrance or exit (69)
- No person shall park or stand any vehicle in such a way as to block partially or completely a parking facility vehicle entrance or exit, aisle, gate, doorway, walkway, or pedestrian sidewalk.
- No person shall park or stand any vehicle in such a way as to block partially or completely a sidewalk, pedestrian walkway, driveway, gate, or doorway on the UIC campus.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
K. Parking in disabled stall (70)
- Only vehicles displaying disabled license plates, locally authorized disabled permits, or disabled decals/hangtags issued by CPS shall park in a stall designated by words or symbols to be reserved for persons with disabilities.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $250.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
L. Expired meter and/or pay per space (71)
- No person shall park any vehicle in a stall identified with a parking meter/pay per space without validating such with the proper parking fee.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
M. Occupying two stalls (72)
- No person shall park any vehicle so that more than one stall, as designated by wheelstops or painted lines on the pavement, is occupied.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
N. Parking in violation of signs (73)
- No person shall park or stand any vehicle contrary to universal symbols, standard parking control symbols, or the instructions on posted signs.
- No person shall park or stand any vehicle on or in any area designated by solid lines or hash marks painted on the area’s surface indicating a “no parking” area.
- No person shall move cones, barricades, or other objects.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $40.
X. Parking Violations, Code Numbers, and Penalties
O. Parking in electric vehicle charging space (74)
- No person shall park or stand any vehicle in an EV space while not charging.
- Violation of this section will result in a fine of $70.
XI. Payment of Fines
- The fines for violations 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, and 73 may be reduced by one-half (l/2) if paid within two business days of the date issued.
- Fines assessed for parking violation complaints (tickets) are to be paid to CPS in person or by mail within five (5) business days of the date the ticket was issued. The ticket must accompany the payment.
- Academic registration, transcripts, diplomas, etc., will be denied until all outstanding parking fines are settled to the satisfaction of CPS.
- Unpaid parking fines will be billed to the vehicle owner or operator’s University account and will be subject to university collection procedures.
XII. Appeal of Parking Tickets
A. Parking tickets may be appealed to the Parking Appeals Hearing Officer within 10 days from the date the ticket was issued.
- If an appeal has been filed, no payments of the citation is required until after the verdict.
- Appeals may be filed in person in one of the three CPS office locations, via e-mail, or mail. Supporting statements or memoranda may be attached to the appeal form. Appellant will be notified by mail of the decision of the Appeals Hearing Officer.
- The appellant may request a virtual meeting before the Appeals Hearing Officer. The appellant will be notified of the date, place, and time of the appeals hearing.
XII. Appeal of Parking Tickets
B. All decisions of the Appeals Hearing Officer are final.
XIII. Parking for persons with disabilities
If you require special accommodations, please register with the Disability Resource Center (if you are a student) or in the Office of Access and Equality (if you are faculty/staff).
Parking spaces designed for the use by persons with disabilities are available in card access lots and visitor lots on campus.
Assignments in more than one lot will be made when the individual’s schedule and, in cases where the vehicle does not display disabled license plates, the appropriate medical information are provided by CPS.
Requests for special parking arrangements for persons with disabilities should be submitted to CPS. Call (312) 413-5800, (312) 413-9020, or (312) 413-5850 for information.
XIV. Any visitor to campus who fails to pay the daily parking fee will be issued a city citation.
Any visitor to campus who fails to pay the daily parking fee will be issued a city citation.
XVI. UIC reserves the right to make changes in the parking program and to restrict parking because of such changes and for special purposes.
UIC reserves the right to make changes in the parking program and to restrict parking because of such changes and for special purposes.
XVII. Third Parties
Parking access control records will not be delivered to third parties unless they are a part of an ongoing investigation by Law Enforcement, Ethics Office, University Audit, or other Legal Proceedings.